Some features described in the Help are available only in Corel Painter 2020, and are not included in Painter Essentials 7. For more information about Corel Painter 2020, visit To get started with Painter Essentials 7, see the Painter Essentials 7 Quick Start Guide.
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Cloning image areas

You can sample an area of an image and reuse it in the same document or in a different document. Sampling (also referred to as "offset sampling" or "point-to-point cloning") is a useful technique for retouching photographs. For example, you can copy pixels from one image area to another in order to cover damaged or unwanted elements in an image. You can also clone image elements you like and apply them to another image area or a second image.

To clone an image area, you must set a sampling reference point and then set destination reference points. Sampling reference points specify the area of the document that you want to reuse, or clone. Destination reference points determine the area where you want the sampled image to appear. To identify which area of the source document you are sampling, a crosshair cursor appears.

rubber stamp tool

The green dot (left) represents the sampling reference point. The red dot (right) represents the destination point.

It is important to note that the sampling reference point, also known as the source, is not treated as a clone source. The sampled area does not appear in the Clone Source panel.

To perform offset sampling in a document Back to Top


On the property bar, type a percentage in the Opacity box, or move the slider.
On the property bar, type a value in the Stroke Jitter box, or move the slider.


You can also enable offset sampling by clicking the Cloner tool in the toolbox.

You can set the destination area before painting by clicking while holding down Option + Shift (macOS) or Alt + Shift (Windows). A red marker indicates the destination area.

To perform offset sampling between documents Back to Top


Type a value in the Size box, or move the slider on the property bar.
On the property bar, type a percentage in the Opacity box, or move the slider.
On the property bar, type a value in the Feature box, or move the slider. The higher the setting, the farther apart the bristle hairs will appear.
Click the Scale Feature With Brush Size button on the property bar.

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