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Getting started with markers

The brush variants in the Markers category replicate traditional markers used for drawing and creating renderings.

You can choose any of the following rendering marker variants from the Markers brush category:



The strokes that you make with the Marker variants closely reflect those of traditional, high-quality markers, mainly because of the way the Marker variants interact with the canvas. For example, the Flat Rendering Marker in Corel Painter allow color buildup and pooling. One continuous brushstroke at a constant speed lays down one consistent color. However, if you lift the stylus, or release the mouse button, the color builds up, as it would with conventional markers. The Marker variants also let you overlay strokes, and because the applied color is somewhat transparent, the underlying colors show through.

The color builds up only when you either lift your stylus up from the tablet or let go of the left mouse button. Slowing down or stopping does not cause build up.


With a marker, you can build up or pool color.

For a list of sample brushstrokes created with Marker variants, see Markers.

To choose a marker variant Back to Top

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