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Using the color selector

The color selector is a floating color palette that displays in the document window and allows you to view and choose colors in the context of your image.

Display the color selector over your image to choose colors based on the colors in your image. Artwork by Skip Allen

The color selector is similar to the Color panel and consists of two components: the Hue Ring and the Saturation/Value Triangle.

color panel

The Hue Ring (1) lets you choose a color. The Saturation/Value Triangle (3) lets you specify the intensity of the color as well as, black, white, or shades of gray. The current color (2) is displayed in a round swatch to the left of the Saturation/Value Triangle. The Options button (4) lets you access useful commands for unpinning the color selector, enabling Clone Color, swapping the main and additional colors, and enabling left-handed mode.

Saturation levels can be set from left to right. Dragging or clicking to the right increases the saturation and produces purer colors within the predominant hue. Dragging or clicking to the left reduces the level of color saturation, producing "muddier" or grayer colors.

Values can be set from top to bottom. The top of the triangle is the highest value (white), and the bottom is the lowest value (black).

You can preview a new color before selecting it. When you interact with the Hue Ring or the Saturation/Value triangle in the color selector, the left half of the color swatch displays a preview of the new color and the right half shows the existing color.

You can also enable the Clone Color option from the color selector. For more information, see Cloning color.

The color selector is available both as a temporal palette that disappears after you pick a color and click in the document window and as a palette that can stay open as long as you need it. You can easily move the color selector in the document window and resize it to take a closer look at colors. You can also configure the color selector for left-handed artists.

To display the color selector Back to Top



You can customize the keyboard shortcut for displaying the color selector by choosing Corel Painter 2020 menu Preferences (macOS) or Edit Preferences (Windows), and choosing Customize Keys. In the Customize Keys dialog box, choose Other from the Shortcuts for (macOS) or Shortcuts (Windows) list box, click Toggle Color Selector, and enter a new shortcut key in the Shortcut column and click OK.

When you display the color selector for the fist time, it appears in the center of the document window; every subsequent time, it appears where you last placed it.

When unpinned, the temporal color selector appears under your cursor.

If you are using a Wacom tablet, you can also assign a shortcut to the stylus button.


You can also display the temporal color selector by double-clicking the Main or Additional Color swatches in the Color panel.

The Main Color and Additional Color swatches in the Color panel

To display the color selector in the Simple layout (Window Layout Simple), you can click the Color Selector button in the toolbox.

By default, the Color Selector tool is available only in the toolbox of the Simple layout. To make it available in all layouts, you can add it to a custom palette. For information about creating custom palettes, see Creating and modifying custom palettes.

To pin the color selector Back to Top
To choose a color on the color selector Back to Top


To switch between the Main and Additional colors when using the color selector, click the Options menu , and choose Swap Colors.

To resize the color selector Back to Top
To move the color selector Back to Top
color selector

The resize (1) and grab area (2) of the color selector

To enable Clone Color in the color selector Back to Top
To enable left-handed mode in the color selector Back to Top

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