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Working with color harmonies

Corel Painter lets you create a color harmony, a set of colors that work well together aesthetically. The resulting color scheme contains a set of colors that are created based on the chosen mode, and its base color is the Main Color in the Color panel.

Warm and cold colors are created for vibrant and energetic color schemes. From left to right, the five color swatches of the Complementary harmony are: Main color (1) and its direct complementary color (5); (2), (3), and (4) are a blend of the two complementary colors.

Once you create a color harmony, you may choose to lock it to prevent changes to the colors. When a harmony is not locked, the colors in the color harmony are linked to the Main Color in the color wheel. Changing the Main Color dynamically updates the swatches in the color harmony, and vice versa, clicking a color harmony swatch updates the Main Color in the color wheel. When you lock a harmony, selecting a new Main Color in the color wheel does not affect the color harmony colors, however, clicking a color harmony swatch still updates the Main Color in the color wheel. When you unlock a color harmony, it is updated immediately based on the Main Color in the color wheel.

You can save a color harmony for future use. Color harmonies are saved as color sets and appear in the Color Set Libraries panel (Window Color Panels Color Sets).

To create a color harmony Back to Top


If you select a swatch in the color harmony, the harmony is updated using that swatch as the base color.

To lock or unlock a color harmony Back to Top
To show or hide the color harmony swatches Back to Top
To save a color harmony as a color set Back to Top
To show or hide the Harmonies panel Back to Top

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