Some features described in the Help are available only in Corel Painter 2020, and are not included in Painter Essentials 7. For more information about Corel Painter 2020, visit To get started with Painter Essentials 7, see the Painter Essentials 7 Quick Start Guide.

Dab Stencils

The Dab Stencil brush variants knock out areas of the brush dab by making them more transparent. They use stencil media such as papers, flow maps, or textures. For more information, see Dab Stencil controls.


Flow Map - Chalk

Flow Map - Glow

Flow Map - Real Wet Oil

Flow Map - Screen Paper

Flow Map - Smooth Wet Oil

Paper - Bristle Glazing

Paper - Flat

Paper - Spongy

Paper - Wet Flow

Texture Stencil - Hard Pastel

Texture Stencil - Metallic

Texture Stencil - Soft Pastel

Texture Stencil - Soft

Texture Stencil - Wet Buildup

Texture Stencil - Wet Cover

Texture Stencil - Wet Flow

Texture Stencil - Wet Particles


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