Some features described in the Help are available only in Corel Painter 2020, and are not included in Painter Essentials 7. For more information about Corel Painter 2020, visit To get started with Painter Essentials 7, see the Painter Essentials 7 Quick Start Guide.


There are three types of Eraser brush variants: Eraser, Bleach, and Darkener. Eraser brush variants erase down to the paper color. Bleach brush variants erase to white, gradually lightening by removing color. Darkener brush variants are the inverse of Bleach variants. Darkener brush variants gradually increase color density, building colors toward black. With all Eraser brush variants, pressure determines how much you erase.


1-pixel Eraser

Block Eraser

Erase All Hard

Erase All Soft

Pointed Bleach

Real Hard Eraser

Real Soft Eraser

Speckle Eraser

Speckle Soft Edge Eraser

Tapered Darkener



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