Some features described in the Help are available only in Corel Painter 2020, and are not included in Painter Essentials 7. For more information about Corel Painter 2020, visit To get started with Painter Essentials 7, see the Painter Essentials 7 Quick Start Guide.

Liquid Ink

Liquid Ink brush variants combine ink and paint to create a thick, liquid paint effect. There are three main types of Liquid Ink brush variants: ones that apply ink, ones that remove ink to create a resist effect, and ones that soften edges. A new layer is created automatically when you first apply a brushstroke. You can also create 3D effects with Liquid Ink. For information, see Liquid Ink controls and Liquid Ink.


Coarse Airbrush Resist

Coarse Camel Resist

Drops of Ink

Dry Camel


Particle Blunt Force Trauma

Particle Crackle Airbrush

Particle Dribble Drab

Particle Gravity Ink Blobs

Particle Pine Tree

Serrated Knife

Smooth Camel

Soften Edges and Color

Spattery Airbrush

Calligraphic Flat


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