Some features described in the Help are available only in Corel Painter 2020, and are not included in Painter Essentials 7. For more information about Corel Painter 2020, visit To get started with Painter Essentials 7, see the Painter Essentials 7 Quick Start Guide.


Watercolor brush variants paint onto a watercolor layer, which enables the colors to flow, mix, and absorb into the paper. The watercolor layer is created automatically when you first apply a brushstroke with a Watercolor brush variant. The layer lets you control the wetness and evaporation rate of the paper to effectively simulate conventional watercolor media. Most Watercolor brush variants interact with the canvas texture. You can use Watercolor brush variants to apply a watercolor effect to a photo by lifting the canvas to the watercolor layer. For more information, see Water controls and Watercolor.

For more information about additional watercolor brush variants, see Real Watercolor.

To paint directly on the canvas, use a Digital Watercolor brush variant.


Bleach Runny

Diffuse Camel 2

Dry Camel 2

Eraser Diffuse

Eraser Dry

Eraser Salt

Grainy Wash Bristle

Runny Airbrush

Runny Wash Flat

Smooth Runny Bristle

Soft Flat

Speckle Runny Paper Reveal

Speckle Wash

Sponge Grainy Wet

Watery Glazing Round

Wet Wash Flat

Wetting Agent




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