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Auto-painting photos

After the underpainting is created and cloned, you can start the auto-painting process. You can choose a Smart Stroke brush variant and let the Smart Stroke painting and Smart settings do the work. Although the Smart Stroke brush variants are optimized for auto-painting, you can also use any Cloner brush variant. If you want more control over how the brushstrokes interact with the canvas, you can set individual stroke settings.

Auto-painting applies brushstrokes to the canvas.

Using the Auto-Painting panel

The Auto-Painting panel lets you specify how paint strokes are applied to a photo. You can choose from the following options:

You can control the speed of auto-painting so that you can see how and where individual strokes are applied. You can also stop the auto-painting process at any time.

To auto-paint a photo by using Smart Stroke painting Back to Top


Enable the Smart Settings check box.
Move the Speed slider.
Press Command + T (Mac OS) or Ctrl + T (Windows).
To auto-paint a photo by using stroke settings Back to Top


Move the Speed slider.
Move the Brush Size slider.
Move the Randomness slider. The settings in the slider determine the range of randomness for Pressure, Length, and Rotation. For example, if the Randomness for pressure slider is set to 32% and the Randomness slider is set to 64%, the pressure for each stroke is between 0% and 32% with a variation of 64%.
Click the Randomness for pressure button, and then move the slider.
Click the Randomness for length button, and then move the slider.
Click the Randomness for rotation button, and then move the slider.


You can use a custom stroke by clicking the Recording Options button and choosing Record Stroke. Paint a stroke on the canvas, and choose Save Stroke from the same menu. Your stroke is added to the Stroke list box. For more information, see Recording and playing back brushstrokes.

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