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Bristle controls

The Bristle controls allow you to adjust the appearance of bristle brushes, such as Camel Hair, Flat, Palette Knife, and Bristle Spray. You can specify the number of bristles, or bristle density (Feature). You can also control how far the bristles spray out, or fan out, when applying brushstrokes (Spread). This control is linked to the Tilt expression. For example, the more you tilt the stylus, the greater the bristles will fan out.

You can also specify that bristles scale relative to the size of the brush. This ensures that the feature is distributed proportionally to match the size of the brush.

To adjust bristle controls Back to Top


Move the Feature slider. The higher the setting, the denser the brush bristles.
Move the Spread slider. This control is linked to the Tilt expression.
To scale bristles with the brush size Back to Top


You can also scale a brushstroke’s features with the brush size by clicking the Scale Feature with Brush Size button on the Brush property bar.

You can also disable the scaling option in all areas by choosing Corel Painter 2015 menu Preferences General (Mac OS) or Edit Preferences General (Windows), and enable the Disable feature scaling when resizing brush.

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