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(Windows only)
You can convert a script into a Corel Painter movie, which you can save as a QuickTime or AVI file. Every action you perform in the script becomes a frame in the movie. For more information, see Exporting movies as AVI and Exporting movies as QuickTime.
If the script is resolution-independent, you can replay the session into a movie using different dimensions. For more information, see Creating resolution-independent scripts. However, if the script is resolution-dependent and the new image window is larger, the script plays back in the upper-left corner of the movie. If the new image is smaller than the script dimensions, only the upper-left portion of the scripted session appears in the movie.
You can also apply a script to a movie. For example, you can record a script that applies the Motion Blur effect to a single image. Then, with a single command, you can apply the script to each frame of a movie. You can also use a script to set grain position in a movie. For more information, see Applying scripts to movies.
In the Scripts panel, click a script in the Scripts library viewer. |
In the Scripts panel, click the Script options button , and choose Script Options. |
In the Script Options dialog box, enable the Save Frames on Playback check box. |
In the Scripts panel, click Play. |
In the Enter Movie Name dialog box, type a name in the File name box, choose a destination folder, and click Save. |
In the Open Frame Stack dialog box, enable an option in the Layers of Onion Skin area. |
In the Storage Type area, enable an option for storing color. |

Not all actions can be converted into a movie. For example, a script that contains a File
New command will not be converted.
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