Corel Painter Help :
Libraries : Creating and removing libraries
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Libraries allow you to store and organize tools and media to make it easier for you to locate and access them. When you create a new resource, such as a gradient, it is automatically saved to the current library. However, you can create a custom library and move the resource to that library. In addition, you can copy any of the default resources to a custom library. If you no longer need a library, you can remove it.
The method for creating a library is the same for most tools and media, except for brush libraries. For more information, see Creating and deleting brush libraries.
In the New Library dialog box, type a name in the Save As box. |

When you save an item, Corel Painter stores it in the currently selected library. If this is not where you want it, be sure to select the correct library before saving the item. You can move items between libraries later, but switching libraries before saving the resource will spare you that extra step.

When you create a new resource, such as a brush variant, paper, or weave, it is automatically saved to the currently selected library. For more information about creating resources, please refer to the Help chapter that pertains to the resource.
Over time, with additions and deletions, library file sizes are compounded. In some cases, you may lose items if you restore a default library. For best results, save new resources to new libraries, and limit the number of resources in each library.
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