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You can import QuickTime or AVI digital videos so you can edit them using any of the Corel Painter brushes, textures, and effects. When you import a QuickTime or AVI file, Corel Painter automatically converts it into a frame stack. A frame stack is a series of images equal in size and resolution.
Corel Painter does not provide features for working with audio.
When you’re finished editing the digital video in Corel Painter, you can save it as a QuickTime, AVI, or animated GIF file. You can then open the QuickTime or AVI file in a video-editing application to add sound effects and other finishing touches.
For efficiency, import only the video frames that you plan to edit. For example, if you have a two-minute video clip and you want to paint on the first 10 seconds, don’t import the entire clip in Corel Painter. Instead, separate the first 10 seconds in a video-editing application and import only those frames. After finishing that clip in Corel Painter, you can open the frames in the video-editing application and join them to the other frames.
You can also import movies that are saved as a series of numbered files. For more information, see Importing and exporting numbered files.
In the Open dialog box, locate the movie, and click Open. |
In the Enter Movie Name dialog box, type a name in the File Name box, and click Save. |
The Frame Stacks panel appears, and the document window displays the first frame of the movie. |

When you open a QuickTime or AVI movie, Corel Painter makes a frame stack copy of the movie. This ensures that the original file does not change.
Frame stacks are uncompressed, so you need an adequate amount of disk space to create them. For example, a 1MB QuickTime or AVI movie can become a 20MB frame stack.
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