Quick links to procedures on this page:
You can manage your custom palettes in the Custom Palette Organizer. Corel Painter names custom palettes "Custom 1", "Custom 2," and so on. For ease of use, you can rename them.
Corel Painter keeps your custom palettes from one session to the next. You can also save a custom palette to a file. If you save it to a file, you can remove it from Corel Painter, and then load it again later. You can delete obsolete custom palettes or those you don’t use very often.
Choose Window Custom Palette Organizer. |
In the Palette Name dialog box, type a name in the New Palette text box. |
Choose Window Custom Palette Organizer. |
In the New Palette File dialog box, type a name in the File Name text box. |
Choose Window Custom Palette Organizer. |
In the Custom Palette Organizer, choose a palette from the Custom Palette list. |
In the Open Palette File dialog box, choose the file where the custom palette is saved. |

Only custom palette files created with version 8.1 or later are supported by Corel Painter. Custom palettes created with version 7 or earlier cannot be loaded.
Choose Window Custom Palette Organizer. |
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