Quick links to procedures on this page:
In theory, a mouse has no pressure information. A mouse button is either on (button down), or off (button up). However, the Corel Painter Mouse controls let you simulate the following stylus settings:
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Pressure (how hard you would be pressing with a stylus) |
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Tilt (how close to vertical the stylus is held) |
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Bearing (the compass direction in which the stylus is pointing) |
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Rotation (to simulate using a flat-tip stylus that supports 360-degree rotation) |
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Wheel (how much ink is sprayed). |
For more information, see Using a stylus vs. a mouse.
You can record and save brushstrokes created with a stylus and then have Corel Painter use the saved settings for the stroke when you switch to a mouse. For more information about using saved brushstrokes to further enhance mouse functionality, see Recording and playing back brushstrokes.
Choose Window Brush Control Panels Mouse. |
Choose Window Brush Control Panels Mouse. |
Choose Window Brush Control Panels Mouse. |
A setting of 0º indicates that if a stylus were in use, it would be pointing left. |
Choose Window Brush Control Panels Mouse. |

Rotation is supported only when you are using a brush with the Expression setting set to Rotation. For more information, see Expression settings.
Choose Window Brush Control Panels Mouse. |
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