Quick links to procedures on this page:
You can save a file in its current format or in a different format. You can also track the changes that you make to a file by saving multiple versions of the file, also known as iterations. In addition, you have the option of creating backup files every time you save a document.
When you save an iteration of a file, an updated version of the file is saved with a version number added to the filename. For example, if you saved the original file as Image. RIF and then save an iteration of the file, the latest version of the file is saved as Image_001.RIF. For each subsequent iterative save that you perform, the number added to the filename increases by 1, for example, Image_002.RIF and Image_003.RIF. Iterative saving is useful if you need to revert to an older version of a file, or simply to track your progress over time.
In the Save (Mac OS) or Save Image As (Windows) dialog box, use the controls to specify a location, file name, and format. |

You can also perform an iterative save by pressing Command + Option + S (Mac OS) or Ctrl + Alt + S (Windows).
In the Preferences list of categories, click General. |
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