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Spring Particle brushes

Spring Particle brushes consist of a net of particles held together by elastic springs. Since the particles are connected to each other, they don’t spread out across the canvas but bounce back toward the center of the brushstroke. The brushstroke mark is determined by the individual paths of the particles and the flexibility of the springs between them.

Spring Particle brushstrokes

Spring brushes include the following variants:

Spring Particle brush controls

You can customize Spring Particle brushes by using the Spring Particles control panel, which includes the Appearance, Path Opacity, Spring Opacity, Stiffness, Stiffness Jitter, Length Jitter, and Minimum Length controls.

The Appearance controls let you choose a Nucleus, Chain, or Geometric appearance for the particle pattern.

A brushstroke with Appearance set to Nucleus

A brushstroke with Appearance set to Chain

A brushstroke with Appearance set to Geometric

The Path Opacity slider sets the opacity of the particle path (the mark that each particle makes on the canvas).

The Spring Opacity slider sets the opacity of the springs (the links between the particles).

Left: High path opacity, zero spring opacity. Right: High spring opacity, zero path opacity.

A brushstroke with high path opacity, low spring opacity (left) and low path opacity, high spring opacity (right)

The Stiffness slider controls the strength of the springs. Low values produce more relaxed springs, which allows the particles to move more freely in relation to each other. You can also associate the stiffness with an expression by choosing an option from the Expression list box. The Stiffness Jitter slider randomly varies the strength of individual springs.

Low stiffness (left) and high stiffness (right)

A brushstroke with low stiffness (left) and high stiffness (right)

The Length Jitter slider randomly varies the length of individual springs. Once adjusted, the lengths remain constant during the brushstroke.

Low length jitter (left) and high length jitter (right)

A brushstroke with low length jitter (left) and high length jitter (right)

The Minimum Length slider sets the initial length of the springs. Low values allow springs to stretch more.

Low minimum length (left) and high minimum length (right)

A brushstroke with low minimum length (left) and high minimum length (right)

To choose a Spring Particle brush variant Back to Top
To customize a Spring Particle brush variant Back to Top

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