Some features described in the Help are available only in Corel Painter 2018, and are not included in Painter Essentials 6. For more information about Corel Painter 2018, visit To get started with Painter Essentials 6, see the Painter Essentials 6 Quick Start Guide.
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Creating and modifying custom palettes

Corel Painter lets you create custom palettes that contain only the features that you want so you can quickly access them. For example, you can place items from the Brush library panel or any of the Media library panels in a custom palette. You can also add commands from the main menus or panel options to custom palettes.

Items that appear on a custom palette are references (aliases or shortcuts) to the original. This means that if you change the original — for example, by modifying and saving a brush variant — the custom panel button loads the newest version. However, if you delete the original, Corel Painter won’t be able to find the item again to load in the custom palette.

You can change how items on a custom palette are displayed. For example, you can display them as text, icons, or wide icons.

Custom palettes behave like the standard panels. For more information about working with panels, see Rearranging panels and palettes.

To create a custom palette Back to Top


If the item that you want is represented on a panel with an icon, you can create a custom palette by holding down Shift and dragging the icon out of a panel to the application window. This method works for brush variants, paper textures, media, such as gradients and patterns, and nozzles, looks, and scripts.

You can add brush variants that are stored in different brush libraries to the same custom palette. When you choose a brush variant from the custom palette, the brush library in which the brush variant is stored is automatically loaded in the Brush library panel. This allows you to quickly switch between brush libraries.

To open or close a custom palette Back to Top


Choose Window Custom Palette [Custom Panel Name].
To add items to a custom panel Back to Top


Choose Window Custom Palette Add Command. Choose the custom panel from the Select Custom Palette list box, and with the Create Palette/Add Command dialog box open, choose a menu item, and click OK.
Choose Window Custom Palette Add Command. Choose the custom panel from the Select Custom Palette list box, and with the Create Palette/Add Command dialog box open, choose a menu item from the Tools menu.
To change the appearance of items on a custom palette Back to Top


Choose Set Custom Icon, and locate the image you want.
Choose Text View.
Choose Icon View or Wide Icon View.


To change the size of the icons, click the Options button in the custom palette, and choose Small Icons or Large Icons.

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