Adding drop shadows to text

You can apply a drop shadow to text. You can choose between two drop shadow styles: external, which places the shadow behind the text, or internal, which places the shadow inside the text.

You can also change the composite method for text or the drop shadow of text. For more information, see Blending layers by using composite methods.

To add a drop shadow to text

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1 Choose the Text tool from the toolbox.
2 In the Layers panel, select a text layer.
3 On the property bar, enable one of the following buttons:
External Shadow — makes your letters look as though they’re casting a shadow onto a sheet of paper held beneath them
Internal Shadow — makes your letters look like cutouts held above a sheet of paper that is the same color as the text
No Shadow — removes a shadow


You can also add a shadow by clicking the Show or hide the Text panel button on the property bar, and choosing one of the shadow buttons in the Text panel.

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