Applying the Tear dynamic plug-in

The Tear dynamic plug-in lets you apply a torn-paper effect to the edge of a selection or layer. You can also control the amount of tearing that the effect produces.

You can tear a little (left) or a lot (right).

To apply the Tear dynamic plug-in

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1 Do one of the following:
In the Layers panel, choose the Canvas, and choose Select All.
In the Layers panel, choose a layer.
Choose the Rectangular Selection tool from the toolbox, and then drag in the document window to select an area.
2 In the Layers panel, click the Dynamic Plug-ins button , and choose Tear.
3 In the Tear Options dialog box, set the following sliders and controls to adjust the tear effect:
Margin — specifies the width of the tear effect from the edge of the layer
Strength — specifies how much of the layer is torn away
Jaggedness — specifies the amount of irregularity in torn edges
If you apply the effect a selection, Corel Painter automatically creates a new layer when you apply the dynamic plug-in.
If you apply the effect to an existing layer, Corel Painter converts the layer to a dynamic layer.


You can also
Tear the interior edges as well as the exterior edges
Enable the Tear interior edges check box. Disable this check box to protect interior edges.
Change the tear color
Click the Color chip, and choose a color from the color picker.
Restore the default settings
Click the Reset button.


You can view only the dynamic layer by hiding the canvas in the Layers panel.

Use a rough paper texture to create a better tear by clicking the Paper selector in the toolbox and choosing a paper texture from the list.

You can use the Revert to Original command in the Layers panel menu to restore a source image to its original condition. For more information, see Modifying and deleting dynamic layers.

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