Corel Painter gives you different options for applying a color as a fill. You can quickly apply a fill to a selected area of an image or you can apply a fill to the entire image based on a selected pixel color. When filling an image with a selected pixel color, you can apply the fill directly to the canvas or to a channel. Corel Painter fills areas of the image based on color boundaries, as well as the specified tolerance and feather settings.
Tolerance allows you to set the amount of variance allowed from the color of the selected pixel. With a low tolerance setting, Corel Painter fills only contiguous pixels that are very close to the selected pixel color. With a high tolerance setting, Corel Painter fills a greater range of colors.
Feathering softens the edges of the fill by controlling the fill opacity for pixels with colors outside the tolerance range. For example, if feather is set to zero (the default), only pixels in the tolerance range are filled. With a low feather setting, pixels with colors just outside the Tolerance range receive partial fill. Increasing the feather setting increases the range of colors that receive partial fill. Pixels with colors farther from the tolerance range receive a more transparent fill. Typically, when feather is set high, tolerance is set low.
You can also fill the interior of an area that is bound by lines. This is especially useful for producing solid fills of regions bounded by anti-aliased lines. If you want to fill regions completely, without affecting the lines, you can first copy the lines to a selection. Then, when you fill the cells, the lines are protected.
You can constrain the fill to a rectangular area by dragging with the Paint Bucket tool.