Applying the Auto Van Gogh effect

You can use the Auto Van Gogh effect to create a Van Gogh–like rendition of an image. To apply Auto Van Gogh, you must first clone the image and then choose the Auto Van Gogh variant from the Artists brush category, which is included in the Painter 2015 brush library.


The Painter 2015 Brushes library is available for download from the Welcome book store (Help Welcome Store.)


To access the Painter 2015 Brushes library, first download it from the Welcome book store. Next, import it, and then in the Brush Selector, choose Painter 2015 Brushes from the Brush Library list box.

The Auto Van Gogh effect

The effect requires two passes. The first pass determines the angles of the brush dabs. The second pass applies the dabs. The image is then rendered in a set of directional brushstrokes.

To apply Auto Van Gogh to an image

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1 Select the image you want to clone.
2 Choose File Quick Clone.
3 Click the Brush Selector on the Brush Selector bar, and choose Painter 2015 Brushes from the Brush library list box.
4 Click the Artists brush category, and then click the Auto Van Gogh brush variant.
5 Choose Effects Esoterica Auto Van Gogh.


You can generate more color variety in the dabs by setting the ±H, ±S, and ±V sliders in the Color Variability panel to 15% each. You can open the Color Variability panel by choosing Window Brush Control Panels Brush Media Color Variability.

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