Converting scripts to movies

(Windows only)

You can convert a script into a Corel Painter movie, which you can save as a QuickTime or AVI file. Every action you perform in the script becomes a frame in the movie. For more information, see Exporting movies as AVI and Exporting movies as QuickTime.

If the script is resolution-independent, you can replay the session into a movie using different dimensions. For more information, see Creating resolution-independent scripts. However, if the script is resolution-dependent and the new image window is larger, the script plays back in the upper-left corner of the movie. If the new image is smaller than the script dimensions, only the upper-left portion of the scripted session appears in the movie.

You can also apply a script to a movie. For example, you can record a script that applies the Motion Blur effect to a single image. Then, with a single command, you can apply the script to each frame of a movie. You can also use a script to set grain position in a movie. For more information, see Applying scripts to movies.

To convert a script into a movie

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1 Choose Window Scripts.
2 In the Scripts panel, click a script in the Scripts library viewer.
3 Open a new image at the size you want the movie to be.
4 In the Scripts panel, click the Script options button , and choose Script Options.
5 In the Script Options dialog box, enable the Save Frames on Playback check box.
This option creates a movie on playback.
6 Type the number of tenths of a second that you want between frames.
The lower the number, the more frequently a frame is created and the more fluid the movie is. More frames, however, use more disk space.
7 In the Scripts panel, click Play.
8 In the Enter Movie Name dialog box, type a name in the File name box, choose a destination folder, and click Save.
9 In the Open Frame Stack dialog box, enable an option in the Layers of Onion Skin area.
10 In the Storage Type area, enable an option for storing color.
Corel Painter plays the script into the Frame Stacks dialog box.


Not all actions can be converted into a movie. For example, a script that contains a File New command will not be converted.

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