Creating and deleting brush categories

You can create a brush category to store new brush variants or to organize existing variants for a specific workflow or project. You can also delete a brush category.

To create a new brush category

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1 Choose Brushes New Brush Category.
2 Type a name in the New Category Name text box.
The new brush category appears in the Brush Category list of the Brush Selector and contains the currently selected brush variant, because a brush category must contain at least one brush variant.


You can also change the brush category icon by right-clicking a category in the Brush Selector, choosing Set Custom Icon, and choosing the image that you want to display as the category icon.

You can also create a new brush category from the Brush Selector by clicking the Brush library options button and choosing New Brush Category.

To remove a brush category

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1 Choose Brushes Remove Brush Category.
2 In the Choose Brush Category dialog box, choose a category from the Category list box.
3 Click OK.
A warning message about deleting the brush category appears.
4 Click OK.


You cannot remove any of the default Painter brush categories.


You can also remove a brush category from the Brush Selector by clicking the Brush library options button and choosing Remove Brush Category.

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