Creating and deleting script libraries

You can store and organize scripts to make it easier to locate and access them. When you create a new script, it is automatically saved to the currently selected script library. However, you can move a script to a new library. If you no longer need a script library, you can delete it.

To create a script library

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1 Choose Window Scripts.
2 In the Scripts panel, click the Script options button , and choose New Script Library.
3 In the New Library dialog box, type a name in the Save As box, and click OK.
A header bar for the new library appears at the bottom of the library panel and its title appears in the list of available libraries. The new library contains one script by default.

To delete a script library

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1 Choose Window Scripts.
2 In the Scripts panel, click the Script options button , and choose Remove Script Library.
3 In the Choose Library dialog box, choose a library from the Library list box, and click OK.
4 Click Yes.

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