Creating selections from layers

You can create a selection from a layer, multiple layers, or layer group. Selections from layers are based on layer transparency. When a layer contains transparent areas, only the areas with content are selected. You can add the content of a layer, or layer group, to a previous selection. To modify a layer-based selection, you can subtract or intersect the content of a layer, or layer group, with a previous selection. Intersecting includes only those parts that are common to all selected layers.

To create a selection from a layer

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1 In the Layers panel, click a layer.
2 Perform a task from the following table.


Do the following
Select the content of a layer
In the Layers panel, hold down Ctrl, and click the name of the layer that you want to select.
Tip: You can also select the content of a layer by clicking the layer in the Layers panel, and choosing Select Select Layer Content.
Select the content of a group of layers
In the Layers panel, hold down Ctrl, and click the name of the layer group that you want to select.
Tip: You can also select the content of a layer group by clicking the group in the Layers panel, and choosing Select Select Group Content.
Select the content of multiple layers
In the Layers panel, hold down Ctrl, and click the first layer that you want to select. Hold down Shift + Ctrl, and click the layers that you want to add to the selection.
Tip: You can also select the content of multiple layers by selecting the layers in the Layers panel, and choosing Select Select Layer Content.
Add content of a layer or layer group to a selection
In the Layers panel, hold down Shift + Ctrl, and click the layer that you want to add.
Subtract the content of a layer or layer group from a selection
In the Layers panel, hold down Control + Option (macOS) or Alt + Ctrl (Windows), and click the layer that you want to subtract.
Intersect the content of a layer or layer group with a selection
In the Layers panel, hold down Shift + Option + Control (macOS) or Shift +Alt + Ctrl (Windows), and click the layer that you want to intersect.
Create a selection from a dynamic, shape, or text layer
In the Layers panel, right-click the dynamic, shape, or text layer, and choose Convert To Default Layer. Choose Select Load Selection. In the Load Selection dialog box, choose the transparency of the selected layer from the Load From list box, and enable the Replace Selection option.


Transparent areas on layers are excluded from layer-based selections.


You can also create a selection from a layer by choosing Load Selection from the Select menu. In the Load Selection dialog box, choose the transparency of the selected layer from the Load From list box, and enable the Replace Selection option.

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