Moving, renaming, and deleting library resources

You can move a library resource to a new position within a library, or drag it to a different library. You can also rename resources, such as renaming a paper or gradient, to give them more descriptive names. You can also delete an item from a library, including a default library. You can also restore the default library to the factory settings. For information, see Restoring default libraries.

To move a library resource

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In a media panel, do one of the following:
Drag a resource swatch to another position within the library.
Drag a resource swatch to another library.
If you’re dragging a swatch to a different library, you cannot position the swatch at the end of the library. You must place the swatch in between, or before, an existing swatch.

To rename a library resource

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1 In a media panel, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (macOS) the resource that you want to rename, and choose Rename [Resource]. (e.g. Rename Paper)
2 In the Rename dialog box, type the new name in the Rename [Resource] text box.

To delete a library resource

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1 In a media panel, click the resource that you want to delete.
2 Click the Delete [Resource] button .


Do not delete default resource files or folders.

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