Embedding color profiles when saving files

Embedding a color profile attaches the color profile to the document to ensure that the same colors you used are shared with anyone who views or prints the document. In this way, you help ensure color consistency when files are viewed, modified, or reproduced.

If you did not assign a color profile to the file, the default color profile is embedded.

The following file formats support color profile embedding:

Photoshop (PSD)
Portable Network Graphics (PNG)

To embed a color profile when saving a file

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1 Choose File Save As.
2 In the Save Image As dialog box, use the controls to specify a location and filename.
3 From the Format list box (macOS) or the Save As Type list box (Windows), choose one of the following file formats:
RIFF Files (*.RIF; *.RIFF)
TIF Files (*.TIF; *.TIFF)
Photoshop Files (*.PSD)
JPEG Files (*.JPG; *.JPEG)
PNG Files (*.PNG)
4 Enable the Embed Profile check box.


If you do not want to embed the color profile, you need to disable the Embed Profile check box.

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