Enabling flow maps and controlling flow resistance

You can choose an existing Real watercolor brush variant and then manually enable flow maps. You can also adjust the flow resistance of a brush to enhance the flow map interaction. Flow resistance lets you control the degree to which the flow map surface, or the paper texture, affects the direction of the water flow.

When the flow resistance is set low, the water flows freely across the canvas (1), when the resistance is set high, the flow is obstructed (2).

Brushstrokes set at a flow resistance of 0 (1), 33 (2), 66 (3), and 100% (4) with the Clouds flow map selected

To enable flow maps and control flow resistance

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1 In the Brush Selector, choose a Real watercolor brush variant.
2 Choose Window Brush Control Panels Brush Media Real Watercolor.
3 In the Flow area, enable the Flow Map option to set the Source.
4 Move the Flow Resistance slider to adjust the resistance.
Moving the slider to the right increases the effect.


To maximize the effect of flow maps, you need to ensure that the Wetness control is set high and the Evaporation Rate control is set low.


You can also adjust the flow resistance of the Real Wet oil brush variants by choosing Window Brush Control Panels Brush Media Real Wet Oil.

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