Importing Photoshop brush images

You can import the brush dab shapes, also known as brush stamps, of Photoshop brushes saved to Adobe Brush Resource (ABR) files. All other brush attributes specified in the ABR files, such as texture and dynamics, are not imported and can be fully customized.

The brush stamps contained in an ABR file are imported as a new brush category that you can name. Each imported brush stamp appears as a new brush variant.

To import Photoshop brush stamps

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1 Click Brushes Import New from Photoshop Brush Stamps (ABR).
2 Browse to the folder where the ABR file is stored, choose the file, and click Open.
3 In the Import Photoshop Brush Stamps (ABR) dialog box, perform a task from the following table.


Do the following
Import only the dab shapes
Choose Import dab shapes only. Click Import.
The dabs will be added to a new captured dab library so they can be used with other brushes. For more information about captured dabs, see Captured dab controls.
Create a brush for every ABR brush stamp
Choose Create a basic brush for every ABR brush stamp that Painter is able to import. Click Import. Type a name for the new brush category, and click OK.


You can import only the brush stamps of pixel-based brushes.

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