Mixing, sampling, and applying colors from the Mixer pad

You can create a color in the Mixer panel and then sample it to apply it to the canvas.

In addition, some brush variants that support mixing allow you to mix colors in the Mixer panel and apply them directly to the canvas without sampling, which mimics the traditional experience of mixing color on an artist’s palette. The brush variants that support mixing use the following dab types: Camel Hair, Flat, Bristle Spray, Watercolor Camel Hair, Watercolor Flat, and Watercolor Bristle Spray. The dab type for a brush variant appears in the General panel of the Brush Controls palette. These brush variants also allow you to sample multiple colors simultaneously to produce multi-colored brushstrokes.

You can sample multiple colors in the Mixer panel and paint directly on the canvas.

When you have finished mixing and sampling colors, you can clear the mixer pad, or save it as a mixer pad (MXS) file that you can open and use later. For more information, see Saving the Mixer pad.

To mix colors

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1 Choose Window Color Panels Mixer.
2 Click the Apply Color tool in the Mixer panel.
3 Choose a color from a Mixer swatch, and paint on the Mixer pad.
4 Choose a second color from the Mixer swatch, and paint on the Mixer pad.
5 Do one of the following:
Use the Apply Color tool to add to and blend the colors.
Use the Mix Color tool to blend the colors.

To sample a color from the Mixer pad

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1 Choose Window Color Panels Mixer.
2 Click the Sample Color tool .
3 On the Mixer pad, click the color you want to sample.
The sampled color becomes the Main Color in the image.

To paint from the Mixer panel

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1 Mix the color you want in the Mixer panel.
The Dirty Brush Mode tool is active by default. If it is not active, click the Dirty Brush Mode tool.
2 Click the Brush Selector on the Brush Selector bar.
3 Choose a brush category and variant that supports mixing.
4 Paint in the document window.
The last color on the Apply Color tool or Mix Color tool is used in the brushstroke.


You can verify if a brush variant supports mixing by clicking Window Brush Control Panels General, and ensuring that one of the following dab types is selected: Camel Hair, Flat, Bristle Spray, Watercolor Camel Hair, Watercolor Flat, and Watercolor Bristle Spray.

To sample multiple colors

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1 In the Brush Selector, choose a brush category and variant that supports mixing.
2 Mix the color you want in the Mixer panel.
3 Move the Change Brush Size slider to set the size of the sample area.
The size of the sample area is displayed to the right of the slider and is measured in pixels.
4 Click the Sample Multiple Color tool , and click the area of the Mixer pad that you want to sample.


You can verify if a brush variant supports mixing by clicking Window Brush Control Panels General, and ensuring that one of the following dab types is selected: Camel Hair, Flat, Bristle Spray, Watercolor Camel Hair, Watercolor Flat, and Watercolor Bristle Spray.

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