Enabling and playing background scripts

You can enable Corel Painter to automatically record background scripts. The background script starts recording all of the operations that you perform from the moment you open the application until you close the application. Background scripts are saved in the Scripts panel with a timestamp, along with the other scripts that you create. You can specify how long Corel Painter saves background scripts before deleting them.

You can play background scripts; however, unlike custom scripts, you cannot edit background scripts.

To enable background scripts

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1 Do one of the following:
(macOS) Choose Corel Painter menu Preferences General.
(Windows) Choose Edit Preferences General.
2 Enable the Auto-record script check box.
3 Specify the number of days for which you want Corel Painter to store background scripts in the Auto-save scripts for box.


Because Corel Painter always saves your script data, the data can build up in your Corel Painter Script Data file.

To play a background script

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1 Choose Window Scripts.
2 In the Scripts panel, choose a background script from the Scripts library viewer.
Background scripts are listed by the date and time they were created.
3 Click the Play button .

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