Using selections and transformations when sampling

You can use a selection when sampling an image area in two ways: by making brushstrokes in the destination image obey the selection in the sample source image, or by copying the active selection in the sample source region. These two options can be used individually or together.

Use Obey Source Selection to paint in the area that corresponds to the source selection.

Use Copy Source Selection to sample both the selection and the color.

To sample an area of an image by using a source selection

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1 Choose a selection tool from the toolbox, and select the area of the image that you want to sample.
If you want to closely outline the sample source area, choose the Lasso tool . For information about setting up a selection, see Creating path-based selections.
2 Click the Cloner tool in the toolbox.
3 In the Brush Selector, click a Cloners category, and click a brush variant.
4 In the Clone Color panel (Window Brush Controls Panels Brush Media Clone Color), click the Enable Clone Color check box.
If the Enable Clone Color check box is grayed out, these selection options are not available for that brush. Choose a different variant.
5 Enable any of the following options:
Obey Source Selection — respects the content of the active sample source selection. When you paint in the destination, the brushstrokes are constrained to a region that corresponds to the sample source selection. For sampling types that apply a transformation, the selection is transformed.
Copy Source Selection — copies the active selection in the source region. When you paint in the destination, your brushstrokes sample the selection’s pixels as well as the RGB pixels. For sampling types that apply a transformation, the copied selection is transformed. Copy Source Selection is often used together with Obey Source Selection.
6 Hold down Option (macOS) or Alt (Windows), and click to set the sample source reference points.
7 Hold down Option + Shift (macOS) or Alt + Shift (Windows), and click to set the destination reference points.
The number of points depends on the brush variant that you chose.
8 Apply brushstrokes to the destination area.
You can disable offset sampling by clicking the Clone Color button in the Color panel or by choosing a non-Cloner brush variant in the Brush Selector.

This image uses Rotate & Scale sampling with both Obey Source Selection and Copy Source Selection enabled.

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