Smoothing controls

The Smoothing controls allow you to soften the appearance of brushstrokes.

Jitter Reduction minimizes small-scale jitter while maintaining overall stroke shape.

Stabilization averages variations in stroke path and rounds off sharp changes in direction. High values of Stabilization round out corners of a stroke. A value of 50% works best. Higher values may be necessary for jittery input devices such as a mouse.

Faceting Reduction smooths jagged brushstrokes by adding points to dab paths. With particle brushes, higher values result in more responsive particle movement.

To adjust smoothing controls

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1 Choose Window Brush Control Panels Brush Shape Smoothing.


2 Perform a task from the following table.


Do the following
Smooth strokes by reducing jitter
Move the Jitter Reduction slider to the right to minimize small-scale jitter. Higher values result in a smoother stroke.
Adjust stabilization
Move the Stabilization slider to the right to even out jagged strokes. Move it to the left to allow for more ragged transitions between points on the stroke.
Smooth strokes by adding path points
In the Faceting Reduction area, move the Points slider to the right to add points and even out jagged strokes. Move it to the left to decrease the number of additional points.

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