Working with the Selection Portfolio

You can store any of the path-based selections that you want to reuse in the Selection Portfolio, which is a library for storing selections. You can add your selections to the default library, or create your own library. For more information, see Working with libraries. You can also browse and use any of the available sample selections in the Selection Portfolio.

To store a selection in the portfolio

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1 Create the path-based selection you want to store.
2 Choose Window Media Panels Selections.
3 In the toolbox, click the Selection Adjuster tool .
4 In the Selection Portfolio panel, click the Selection Portfolio options button , and choose Add Selection To Portfolio.
5 In the Save Selection dialog box, type a name for the selection.

To use a selection from the portfolio

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Double-click a selection in the Selection Portfolio panel.
The selection replaces the previous selection and appears in its original position on the canvas, provided that the document dimensions are the same.

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