Transforming and editing textures

You can scale, rotate, skew, or distort a texture interactively in the image window.

You can also edit a texture to modify its appearance. When you finish adjusting a texture and you are satisfied with the result, you can save it and begin painting with it. When you save a texture, it is added it to the current texture library.

To apply a transformation to a texture

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1 Create or open a document.
2 In the Transform Textures panel (Window Media Panels Transform Textures), click one of the following buttons:
Move and Size — lets you reposition and resize a texture
Scale — lets you change the width and height of a texture
Rotate — lets you turn a texture around its center axis
Skew — lets you slant the vertical and horizontal dimensions of a texture nonproportionally
Distort — lets you move the corners of a texture in different directions
Perspective Distortion — lets you move the corner of a texture to apply a one-point perspective
3 Click Commit.
To save the texture as a new library item, click Save As. The texture is added to the currently selected library.


After you finish making changes to a texture, it is recommended that you save it, so you can use it in the future.


To reset the texture origin point, click the Reset reference point button .

To discard the changes that you have made to the selected texture and continue painting, click Cancel.

To edit a texture

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1 Create or open a document.
2 In the Textures panel (Window Media Panels Textures), hold down Control and click a texture (macOS), or right-click a texture (Windows), and choose Export Texture to New Layer.
A new layer with the name of the texture appears above the active layer.
3 Make changes to the texture in the document window.
To add the modified texture to the active Texture library, click the texture layer in the Layers panel, and then click the Capture Texture button in the Textures panel. Enter a name in the Save As box.


The size of the new layer is based on the document size. If the texture is smaller than the document, the space around the texture will be transparent. When you select, move, copy, or transform the layer, its bounding box shrinks to the texture size.

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