Using the Divine Proportion tool

The Divine Proportion tool lets you use guides based on a classical composition method of the same name. When planning your artwork, you can use the guides to create a sense of proportion, which helps maintain interest as the eye of the viewer travels across a drawing or painting.

Divine Proportion — helps identify where to place focal areas in artwork by using classical composition. This nonprinting layout is primarily used for composing artwork before you begin drawing or painting.

The Divine Proportion tool can help you establish focal areas.

The Divine Proportion panel lets you change the orientation, size, angle, color, and opacity of the Divine Proportion guide that appears on the canvas. You can also adjust the number of levels to determine how many times a section divides within itself, creating a spiral. You can adjust these settings while you work, and you can save them as a preset. You can also move the Divine Proportion guide to a new position.

To show or hide the Divine Proportion guides

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Choose Canvas Compositions, and then choose either Show Divine Proportion or Hide Divine Proportion.


You can also show or hide the Divine Proportion guides by clicking the Divine Proportion tool in the toolbox and enabling or disabling the Divine Proportion check box on the property bar.

To set Divine Proportion options

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1 Choose Window Composition Panels Divine Proportion.
The Divine Proportion panel appears.
2 In the Divine Proportion panel, enable the Divine Proportion check box, and perform a task from the following table.


Do the following
Set orientation
In the Orientation area, click one of the Landscape or Portrait buttons.
Resize the guide
Move the Size slider to the right to increase the size. Move the slider to the left to decrease the size.
Size is measured as a percentage of the width or height of the canvas, depending on whether the orientation is Landscape or Portrait.
Change the angle
Type a value in the Rotate box to set the degree of the angle.
Change the color of the grid, spiral, or axis
In the Display area, click the Grid, Spiral, or Axis color picker, and choose a color.
Change the opacity
Move the Opacity slider to the left to increase transparency. Move the slider to the right to increase opacity.
Change the numbers of levels
Move the Levels slider to the right to increase the number of levels. Move the slider to the left to decrease the number of levels.


You can also set some Divine Proportion options by clicking the Divine Proportion tool in the toolbox and modifying the settings that you want on the property bar.

To save Divine Proportion settings as a preset

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1 In the Divine Proportion panel, modify the settings you want, and click the Add button .
2 In the Add Preset dialog box, type a name for your preset in the Preset Name box.
3 Click Save.
The preset appears in the Type list box.


You can also save a preset by clicking the Divine Proportion tool in the toolbox and clicking the Add button on the property bar.

To delete a Divine Proportion preset

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1 In the Divine Proportion panel, choose the preset you want to delete from the Type list box.
2 Click the Delete button .


You can also delete a preset by clicking the Divine Proportion tool in the toolbox, selecting a preset from the Presets list box on the property bar, and clicking the Delete button .

To choose a Divine Proportion preset

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In the Divine Proportion panel, choose a preset from the Preset list box.

To move the Divine Proportion guide

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1 In the toolbox, click the Divine Proportion tool .
The cursor changes to a hand icon .
2 In the document window, drag the Divine Proportion guides to a new position.

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