Working with Fringe watercolor brushes

The Fringe watercolor brushes paint directly on both the Canvas layer or a default layer so you can create effects similar to those of watercolor brushes without using a separate layer.

You can use Fringe watercolor brushes to create effects similar to those produced with watercolor brushes, without having to create a separate layer. Settings such as Diffusion, Opacity, and Wet Fringe control the appearance of the stroke.

Digital Watercolor Diffusion

Fringe watercolor brushes also use diffusion to create soft, feathery edges on the brushstrokes. You can adjust the amount of diffusion by using the controls on the property bar.

Wet Fringe

The Wet Fringe slider controls the amount of water pooling and paint at the edges of Fringe watercolor brushstrokes. You can dynamically adjust the wet fringe on any Fringe watercolor brushstroke before you dry it. Dynamically adjusting the Wet Fringe affects every wet Fringe watercolor brushstroke, which remains wet until you dry it.

When you’re satisfied with the wet fringe, it’s a good idea to dry Fringe watercolor brushstrokes. This allows you to dynamically adjust the Wet Fringe on future brushstrokes without affecting existing brushstrokes that you’re satisfied with.

To choose a Fringe watercolor brush variant

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1 In the toolbox, click the Brush tool .
2 Click the Brush Selector on the Brush Selector bar.
3 Click the Watercolor : Fringe brush category, and click a brush variant.

To adjust diffusion

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1 With a Fringe watercolor brush variant selected, adjust the Diffusion slider on the property bar.
Drag the slider to the right to increase diffusion, or to the left to decrease diffusion.
2 Apply one or more strokes.
If you would like to restrict the diffusion to a region, make a selection with any selection tool. The diffusion effect will apply only within the selection.


The Diffusion slider is also accessible from the Digital Watercolor panel. You can open the panel by choosing Window Brush Control Panels Brush Media Digital Watercolor.

To adjust wet fringe

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1 Apply one or more strokes with a Fringe watercolor variant.
If you would like to restrict the diffusion to a region, make a selection with any selection tool. The pooling effect will apply only within the selection.
2 On the property bar, adjust the Wet Fringe slider on the property bar.
Drag the slider to the right to increase pooling, or to the left to decrease pooling.


You can also adjust wet fringe before applying brushstrokes by adjusting the Wet Fringe slider.

The Wet Fringe slider is also accessible from the Digital Watercolor panel in the Brush Controls palette. You can open the panel by choosing Window Brush Control Panels Brush Media Digital Watercolor.

To dry Fringe watercolor brushstrokes

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Choose Layer Dry Digital Watercolor.


After you dry a Fringe watercolor brushstroke, you can no longer adjust its wet fringe.

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