Zooming images

By default, images are displayed at 100% magnification; however, you can zoom in to get a closer look at image detail or zoom out to view a larger portion of the image. You can change the level of magnification by zooming in and out with the Magnifier tool, resetting magnification, or zooming to fit the screen.

The Magnifier tool lets you zoom in and out by clicking in the document window. Artwork by Pavel Goloviy.

The zoom mode you choose determines how the modifier Shift key affects the function of the Magnifier tool. For example, to zoom over an area in the default Drag to Zoom mode, you simply need to drag to the left or right; however, to perform the same task in the Select Zoom Area mode, you need to hold down Shift while dragging. Choose the mode that best fits your workflow. If you often zoom quickly in and out, but you rarely need to select specific areas, you may choose the Drag to Zoom mode. However, if your workflow requires that you often select specific areas to get a closer look at image detail, you can choose the Select Zoom Area mode; in this mode, you zoom in to a specific area by simply dragging across the area.

To zoom in preset increments

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1 Click the Magnifier tool in the toolbox or press M.
2 Perform a task from the following table.


Do the following
Zoom in
Click the image where you want to magnify it.
The Magnifier cursor shows a plus sign (+), which indicates that you are increasing the magnification (zooming in).
Zoom out
Hold down Option (macOS) or Alt (Windows) and click the image.
A minus sign (–) appears on the Magnifier cursor , which indicates that you are decreasing the magnification (zooming out).


Each click increases or decreases the magnification to the next level, as defined in the Zoom Level box on the property bar.



You can also zoom in using the following keyboard shortcuts:

(macOS) Hold down Command, and press + (plus sign).
(Windows) Hold down Ctrl, and press + (plus sign).

You can also zoom out using the following keyboard shortcuts:

(macOS) Hold down Command, and press (minus sign).
(Windows) Hold down Ctrl, and press (minus sign).

When using a mouse, you can zoom in to or out from the image by using the mouse wheel.

To set the zoom mode

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1 Click the Magnifier tool in the toolbox or press M.
2 On the property bar, choose an option from the Zoom Mode list box:
Drag to Zoom
Select Zoom Area


Corel Painter keeps the zoom mode setting from one session to the next.

To zoom by dragging

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1 Click the Magnifier tool in the toolbox or press M.
2 Perform a task from the following table.


In this mode
Do one of the following
Zoom in
Drag to Zoom
Drag up.
Drag to the right.
Zoom out
Select Zoom Area
Hold down Shift and drag down.
Hold down Shift and drag to the left.

To zoom by selecting an area

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1 Click the Magnifier tool in the toolbox or press M.
2 Perform a task from the following table.


In this mode
Do the following
Drag to Zoom
Hold down Shift and drag across the area you want to magnify.
Select Zoom Area
Drag across the area you want to magnify.

To zoom to a specific magnification level

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Choose Window Navigator, and type a value in the Zoom canvas box.
If you prefer, open the Zoom Canvas slider, and adjust the zoom level.

To reset magnification to 100%

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Double-click the Magnifier tool in the toolbox.


You can also reset magnification to 100% by clicking the 100% button or the Reset tool button on the property bar, or the Reset Zoom to 100% button in the Navigator panel.

To zoom to fit the screen

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Choose Window Zoom to Fit.
Corel Painter generates a view of the entire document to fit your document window.


You can also zoom to fit the screen by clicking the Fit Screen button on the property bar.

To set zooming performance preferences

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Perform a task from the following table.


Do the following
Smooth objects when zooming (minimize pixelation)
Click the Magnifier tool in the toolbox and click the High Quality Display button on the property bar.
Enable area averaging for zooming at less than 50% magnification
Choose Corel Painter 2022 menu Preferences Interface (macOS) or Edit Preferences Interface (Windows), and enable the Area Averaging check box in the Display area.


Area averaging increases the speed at which the screen is drawn when you are viewing an image at less than 50% magnification. Enabling this option may decrease accuracy.


You can also enable object smoothing by choosing Corel Painter 2022 menu Preferences Performance (macOS) or Edit Preferences Performance (Windows), and clicking the High Quality Display check box.

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