Texture brushes

Texture brushes let you add textures to your projects by taking the color and luminance components of a source image — the texture — and transposing them onto another surface — your painting — using different brush methods. For more information, see Texture painting.

Texture Cover



Airbrush 2.5D

Blur Texture to Color Control

Captured Grainy - Color Control

Dynamic Speckle - Color Control - Smudge

Dynamic Speckle - Color Control

Flat Chroma

Flat Luminance


Gauzy Chroma 2.5D

Jitter - Color Control

Pastel 2.5D - Color Control

Pen 2.5D - Color Control

Sandstorm Paper 2.5D - Color Control

Soft Luminance to Texture Color

Soft Luminance

Static Bristle Grainy Luminance

Stencil Emboss 2.5D

Stencil Flow Map - Soft - Color Control

Stencil Flow Map - Variable Color

Stencil Texture - Captured - Color Control

Stencil Texture - Subtle Captured Blender



Texture Source Blending


Basic - Color Control

Captured - Texture to Color Control

Captured Tinted Texture

Glow Splat - Color Control

Scratcher 2.5D Color Control

Soft - Color Control - Smudge

Soft Chroma

Soft Luminance


Speckled Overlay

Stencil Flow Map - Color Control

Stencil Flow Map - Grainy Chroma

Stencil Flow Map - Spongy

Stencil Paper - Pastel Smudge

Stencil Texture - Bristle Texture Luminance

Stencil Texture - Grainy Dab

Stencil Texture - Rough


Stencil Texture - Scratchy

Stencil Texture - Scumble

Stencil Texture - Speckle

Surface Builder 2.5D Color Control




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