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Displaying the property bars

The property bar displays basic options for the currently selected tool. By default, the property bar is displayed in the application window docked below the menu bar, but you can close it. You can also move the property bar or dock it to the application window.

property bar

The property bar for the Grabber tool

From the property bar you can access and change tool options and settings. Tool settings are retained when you switch from one tool to another. You can also use the property bar to restore the default settings of the selected tool. Depending on the brush category and variant you select, the property bar contains flyouts that allow you to quickly access basic brush settings on different panels.

The property bar for a Real Watercolor brush variant: (1) the Size flyout; (2) the Flow map flyout

You can also display the extended property bar, which provides access to advanced brush settings.

The extended property bar for a Real Watercolor brush variant. (1) Dab Options flyout; (2) Static Bristle panel toggle button; (3) Real Watercolor panel toggle button; (4) The Advanced Brush Controls button lets you access the panel related to the active brush variant; (5) General panel toggle button

To open or close the property bar Back to Top


You can also close the property bar by clicking the close button on the header bar.

To open or close the extended property bar Back to Top


If the extended property bar is undocked, you can close it by clicking the close button on the header bar.

To move or dock the property bar or extended property bar Back to Top


To reset the default tool settings Back to Top

Various Reset Tool buttons for the Grabber property bar

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