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The Equalize dynamic plug-in creates a layer that lets you adjust the contrast in underlying images. It does this by adjusting black and white points and distributing the brightness levels throughout the entire range of available levels.
The Equalize dynamic layer is applied to a rectangular selection.
The Equalize dynamic plug-in creates a histogram showing the number of pixels for each brightness level value. Equalize allows gamma adjustment, which lightens or darkens an image without changing highlights or shadows.
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In the Layers panel, choose the Canvas. |
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Choose the Rectangular Selection tool from the toolbox, and then drag in the document window to select an area. |
In the Layers panel, click the Dynamic Plug-ins button , and choose Equalize. |
In the Equalize dialog box, adjust the contrast by dragging the small black and white markers under the histogram. |
Drag the Gamma slider to adjust only the midtones of an image and leave the white and black areas untouched. |

If you don’t like the results, click Reset to restore the default settings.

You can also use the Opacity slider in the Layers panel to adjust the effect.
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