Corel Painter Help :
Dynamic Plug-ins : Applying the Kaleidoscope dynamic plug-in
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The Kaleidoscope dynamic plug-in creates a square layer that produces kaleidoscopic effects from underlying images. The traditional kaleidoscope is a hollow tube with a set of mirrors and colored chips at one end. You peer into the other end and enjoy the highly symmetrical patterns that the mirrors create from the colored chips. When you add a Kaleidoscope dynamic layer, you first specify its size. You can move the layer over different parts of an image to produce different effects.
In the Layers panel, click the Dynamic Plug-ins button , and choose Kaleidoscope. |
In the Kaleidoscope dialog box, specify the size of the dynamic layer. |
Drag the Kaleidoscope layer to different areas of the image to alter the effect. |
Move the Kaleidoscope layer to produce different effects.

To preserve the Kaleidoscope layer, you need to save the image in RIFF format.
Drag the Kaleidoscope layer on the canvas until it displays an image that you like. |
In the Layers panel, select the Kaleidoscope layer. |
Click the Layers panel menu arrow, and choose Drop and Select to commit the layer. |
Choose Window Media Library Panels Patterns. |
In the Patterns Libraries panel, click the Capture Pattern button. |

When you create a pattern from a Kaleidoscope layer, the selection is dropped to the canvas and cut out. If you want to preserve the original image and the Kaleidoscope layer so that you can continue working with the effect, save the image in RIFF format before you choose Drop and Select. As an alternative, you can set the number of Undo levels high enough so that you can back out of the steps to restore the original image.
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