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Copying and duplicating layers

You can copy individual layers in the same image or between images. You can also duplicate layers in order to quickly replicate image elements. In addition, you can simultaneously copy the contents of multiple layers by using a selection.

To copy and paste a layer Back to Top


Click the Paste in Place button .
Click the layer in the Layers panel, and then click the Paste in Place button .
Select the canvas in the Layers panel, and then click the Paste in Place button .


You can also copy a selected layer by pressing Ctrl + C (Windows) or Command + C (macOS), and then paste it by pressing Ctrl + V (Windows) or Command + V (macOS).

You can also copy a selected layer by choosing Edit Copy, and then paste it by choosing Edit Paste in Place.

To duplicate a layer Back to Top


You can also duplicate a layer by right-clicking the layer in the Layers panel, and choosing Duplicate Layer.

You can also duplicate a selected layer by clicking the Layer options button in the Layers panel, and choosing Duplicate Layer.

You can also duplicate a layer by selecting the layer in the Layers panel, and choosing Layers Duplicate Layer.

To copy a layer to another document Back to Top


You can also copy a layer by opening the document where you want to copy the layer, enabling the Auto-Select Layer check box on the property bar, and dragging the layer to the other document.

To copy a selection from multiple layers Back to Top


You can also copy from multiple layers by pressing Command + Option+C (macOS) or Ctrl + Alt + C (Windows).

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