Corel Painter Help
Evaluating your system and optimizing application settings for Corel Painter
: Understanding test results
Understanding test results
If you see...
Results displayed in green
System exceeds recommended specifications.
Results displayed in red
System is below recommended specifications.
Results displayed in yellow
System components meet recommended specifications.
Brush Benchmark score and rating
Represents the general speed of brush performance and rates your system. If you see a low Brush Benchmark, consider updating your GPU.
Painter Accelerators
Indicates which components (processor multi-core, processor extensions, graphics processor, memory) contribute to brush speed, and how each one of them affects brush performance. Not all systems have all of these components.
If a detected graphics processor doesn't appear as a Painter Accelerator, it is not being used by Painter. Consider updating your GPU.
Overall system score
Indicates how your system measures up to recommended specifications.
Processor (CPU) warning
System doesn't have the recommended number of cores. More cores will enhance system performance.
Extensions (CPU) warning
System doesn’t have a CPU with AVX2. Systems with an AVX2-compatible CPU deliver enhanced performance.
Graphics processor warning
System's GPU isn't OpenCL 1.2 compliant, making it incompatible with Painter. Check driver compatibility and consider updating your drivers.
Memory warning
System doesn't have the recommended level of RAM. Performance will be enhanced on a system with more RAM.
Recommended system actions
Provides suggestions to increase performance for any component that falls below recommended specifications.
Recommended brushes
Provides suggestions for brush categories that work well with your system.
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