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Working with brushes using the property bars

When the Brush tool is selected, you can access and change brush options and settings on the property bar and the Extended property bar.

The property bar displays one set of options and settings that are available for all brush categories, and another related to the selected brush category. You can also use the property bar to restore the default settings of the selected brush variant. Depending on the selected brush category, the property bar also may let you choose a paper texture.

The Extended property bar simplifies the process of finding the relevant brush controls and media for any given default brush. It lets you quickly access relevant advanced brush controls by displaying a group of brush control panels that are relevant to the selected brush. You can also quickly access dab types and blending options. Depending on the selected brush variant, you can choose a dab profile and access other relevant settings. For example, if you are working with a Dynamic Speckles brush variant, you can quickly access a panel with relevant options by clicking the Show or hide the Dynamic Speckles panel button .

For more information about modifying the individual controls, see Selecting, managing, and creating brushes. For more information about working with property bars, see Displaying the property bars.

To choose a stroke type on the property bar Back to Top


Click the Align to Path button .
Click the Perspective-Guided Strokes button .
To set brush size options on the property bar Back to Top


Open the Size flyout, and choose an option from the Expression list box.
Open the Size flyout, and move the Min Size slider.
Open the Size flyout, click the Audio Expression button
Reverse the effect of an Expression setting on brush size
Open the Size flyout, click the Invert Size Expression button .


You can restore a default brush variant by clicking the Reset Tool button .

To set brush opacity options on the property bar Back to Top


Open the Opacity flyout, and choose an option from the Expression list box.
Open the Opacity flyout, and move the Min Opacity slider.
Open the Opacity flyout, click the Audio Expression button .
Reverse the effect of an Expression setting on brush opacity
Open the Opacity flyout, click the Invert Opacity Expression button .


You can restore a default brush variant by clicking the Reset Tool button .

To apply a paper texture using the property bar Back to Top

Move the Grain slider, or type a percentage in the Grain box.


These options are not available for all brush variants.


For more information about paper textures, see Applying paper texture.

You can restore a default brush variant by clicking the Reset Tool button .

To set brush options on the extended property bar Back to Top


Click the Advanced Brush Controls button .
Click the Show or hide the General panel button .
Open the Dab Options flyout , and choose an option.
Click the Show or hide the [Name] panel button.

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