Corel® PaintShop® Pro Scripting API Documentation

Enumeration Description


Script Name: Description: 
PictureTubeCache Event has occured that invalidates the picture tube cacheDefault
PatternCache Event has occured that invalidates the pattern cache 
TextureCache Event has occured that invalidates the texture cache 
GradientCache Event has occured that invalidates the gradient cache 
BrushCache Event has occured that invalidates the custom brush cache 
PictureFrameCache Event has occured that invalidates the picture frames cache 
StyledLineCache Event has occured that invalidates the styled lines cache 
PluginCache Event has occured that invalidates the plugin cache 
ScriptCache Event has occured that invalidates the script cache 
PresetCache Event has occured that invalidates the presets cache 
SwatchesCache Event has occured that invalidates the material swatches cache 
MaskCache Event has occured that invalidates the masks cache 
SelectionCache Event has occured that invalidates the selections cache 
CMYKCache Event has occured that invalidates the CMYK profiles cache 
PrintTemplateCache Event has occured that invalidates the print templates cache 
WorkspaceCache Event has occured that invalidates the workspaces cache 
QuickGuideCache Event has occured that invalidates the quick guides cache 
PaletteCache Event has occured that invalidates the palette cache 
DeformationMapCache Event has occured that invalidates the deformation map cache 
EnvironmentMapCache Event has occured that invalidates the environment map cache 
BumpMapCache Event has occured that invalidates the bump map cache 
DisplacementMapCache Event has occured that invalidates the displacement map cache 
PresetShapeCache Event has occured that invalidates the preset shapes cache 
FileOpenScriptCache Event has occured that invalidates the file open script cache