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Adding bullets

You can create bulleted lists in slide shows and drawings, and levels can be created within these bulleted lists. A bulleted list expresses a single idea on each line.

In the procedure below, you will learn how to add bullets to a slide show.

  1. Open your Animating bullets sample file.
  2. In the bottom-right corner of the screen, click the adjoining arrow on the Insert a new slide after the current slide button slide_button is selected., and click Insert bulleted list slide.
  3. Double-click in the To add title box, and type Benefits of Organization.
  4. Double-click in the To add subtitle box, and type Integrating information.
  5. Double-click in the To add text box.
  6. Type Promotes flexibility on the first bulleted line, and press ENTER.
  7. Type Enables productive development on the second bulleted line, and press ENTER.
  8. Type Maximizes time distribution on the third bulleted line.
  9. Click outside the bulleted list to return to the slide show.

Click here to see what your bullets should look like.
