Two-color pattern fills

A two-color pattern fill is composed only of the two colors that you choose. In addition to specifying the colors, you can mirror the fill tiles vertically or horizontally, and you can set the size of the fill tiles. You can also skew and rotate the fill, and you can move its center.

Examples of two-color pattern fills

A two-color fill applied to an object (left). Next, the fill is resized (middle), and rotated (right).

You can create your own pattern fill from objects in the drawing window by using the Object Create Pattern Fill command.

To apply a two-color pattern fill

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1 Select an object.
2 Click the Interactive fill tool in the toolbox, and then click the Two-color pattern fill button on the property bar.
3 Choose a fill from the First fill color or pattern picker.
4 Open the Front color picker, and click a color.
5 Open the Back color picker, and click a color.
You can use the Properties docker to edit the attributes of the two-color fill by clicking the arrow button at the bottom of the Fill section, and performing a task from the following table.


Do the following
Arrange the tiles so that alternating tiles are reflections of each other
Click the Mirror tiles horizontally or the Mirror tiles vertically button.
Set the width and height of the pattern tiles
Type values in the Fill width and Fill height boxes.
Move the center of the pattern fill up, down, left, or right
Type values in the X and Y boxes.
Rotate the pattern at a specified angle
Type a value in the Rotate box.
Slant the pattern at a specified angle
Type a value in the Skew box.
Specify row or column offset as a percentage of the tile’s height or width
Click the Row offset or the Column offset button , and type a value in the % of tile box.
Apply object changes to the pattern fill
Enable the Transform with object check box.
Any transformations applied to the object such as resizing and rotating will be applied to the fill as well.
Apply the selected fill to the intersecting area of combined objects
Enable the Fill winding check box.
For more information, see Combine objects.


You can also mix colors in a two-color pattern fill by pressing Ctrl and clicking a color on the color palette.

You can also drag colors from the color palette to the interactive handles to change the colors of the fill. You can mix colors by holding down Ctrl while dragging a color to the interactive handles.

To create a two-color pattern fill

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1 Click Object Create Pattern Fill.
2 In the Create pattern dialog box, enable the Two color option, and click OK.
3 In the drawing window, select the pattern or area that you want to use for the fill, and then double-click the selection.
4 In the dialog box that appears, choose a resolution, and then click OK.
The new two-color pattern fill can be accessed from the Fill picker.

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The features documented in the Help are available in the full version of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2021. Some features may not be available in this version of the product.