Find and replace objects
You can find objects so that you can quickly replace them or select them for editing.
The search criteria you use can include object type and its related properties, fill and outline properties, vector effects applied to objects, or the name of an object or style. For example, you can search for and select all rectangles with rounded corners and without fill. You can also search for objects that contain the same properties as a selected object. You can change the search criteria in the middle of a search. You can also save search criteria for later use.
You can find objects that contain the properties you specify and then replace those properties with others. For example, you can replace all object fills of a certain color with fills of a different color. You can also replace color models and palettes, outline properties, and text attributes, such as font and font size.
You can also search for specific words and replace them with other words. For more information, see To find and replace text.
By default, the application searches only the current page. When working with multipage documents, you can expand the search range to find and replace objects on all document pages, a range of pages, or specific pages. Conversely, you can limit the search range to only currently selected objects.
To find and select objects
Find and Replace.
In the
Find and Replace docker, choose
Find Objects from the list box at the top of the docker.
Enable the
Properties option.
Add Query, and then in the dialog box that appears, do any of the following:
Object Types, enable check boxes corresponding to object types to include in the search. You can narrow the search by specifying object properties. To include all objects in a search, enable the
Object Types check box.
Fills, enable check boxes corresponding to fill types to include in the search. You can narrow the search by specifying fill properties. To include all fill types in a search, enable the
Fills check box. For more information about fill types and their properties, see
Outlines, enable check boxes corresponding to outline types to include in the search. You can narrow the search by specifying outline properties. To include all outline types in a search, enable the
Outlines check box. For more information about outlines and their properties, see
Format lines and outlines.
Special Effects, enable check boxes corresponding to special effects to include in the search. You can narrow the search by specifying special effect properties. To include all effects listed under
Special Effects in a search, enable the
Special Effects check box. For more information about special effects and their properties, see
Add 3D effects.
In the
Find and Replace docker, click any of the following buttons:
Find Next > or
Find Previous < to scroll through objects that meet the search criteria.
Find All or
Find All on Page to select all objects on the active page that meet the search criteria.
Edit Query to modify the search criteria.
Search for objects by name
In the Find and Replace docker, enable the Names or Styles option, enable the Object name check box, and type the object name.
Search for objects by style
In the Find and Replace docker, enable the Names or Styles option, enable the Style check box, and then either enable the Name option and choose the style name or enable the Type option and choose the style type.
Save object-search criteria
Click the Save  button, type a name in the File name box, and then click Save. The search criteria is saved to a FIN file.
Reuse object-search criteria
Click the Load  button, navigate to the folder where the FIN file is stored, and click Open.

You can also initiate an object search by pressing Ctrl + F.
To find objects with similar properties
Find and Replace.
In the
Find and Replace docker, choose
Find Objects from the list box at the top of the docker.
Enable the
Properties option.
Search query area displays all the properties of the selected object.
Click any of the following buttons:
Find Next > or
Find Previous < to scroll through objects that meet the search criteria.
Find All or
Find All on Page to select all objects on the active page that meet the search criteria.
Edit Query to modify the search criteria.

The application can find and replace objects on multiple pages at once; however, it can select only objects on the active page.
To replace object properties
Find and Replace.
In the
Find and Replace docker, choose
Replace Objects from the list box at the top of the docker.
To specify the properties you want to replace, enable one of the following options:
Color model or palette,
Outline properties, or
Text properties.
Choose the settings you want in the
Find and
Replace areas.
Click one of the following buttons:
Replace to replace the properties of the selected objects.
Replace All to modify all objects that meet the search criteria.

For more information about replacing colors, see To find and replace colors.
For more information about replacing outline colors, see To find and replace outline colors.
For more information about replacing outline widths, see To find and replace outline widths.
For more information about replacing text properties, see To find and replace text properties.
To set the search range
Find and Replace.
In the
Find and Replace docker, expand the
Search range section.
Enable any of the following options:
Selection — to search only the currently selected objects
Current page — to search the page you are working on
All pages — to search all document pages
Pages — to set the page range or identify specific document pages you want to search

The application can find and replace objects on multiple pages at once; however, it can select only objects on the active page.